Submit a manuscript
All material for publication should be sent to the Editors of Pyrenae at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In the case of several authors it is necessary to specify the author responsible for correspondence with Pyrenae.
Authors wishing to enquire the suitability of their manuscript for publication should contact the Editors.
Articles must follow the specified guidelines for format, bibliography and illustrations provided in the following pages.
The Editors will confirm the receipt of the manuscript and assess their suitability with the Editorial Policy.
All manuscriptso double-blind peer review external of the Editorial Team (cf. Editorial Policy).
Authors must follow the page format and typographic box of Pyrenae:
º Page Format (size): 23.5cm x 16.5 cm
º Typographic Box (printable area): 18cm x 13.2cm
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