Editorial Policy
- Pyrenae publishes original articles that reflect and encourage scientific research in all fields of study ranging from Prehistory to the Archaeology of beginning of the Middle Ages, as well as aspects related to methodology, theory and historiography ..., with a clear commitment to excellence and innovation.
- Pyrenae includes main articles commissioned by its own editors, articles presented by scholars and research groups, an occasional discussion forum and reviews of recently published works.
- Pyrenae is a periodical that appears twice a year in printed format and open access. It can be consulted via this website in its digital Edition or by using any eBook (epup format), or it can be downloaded in electronic format (PDF). The first part of each volume is published in January and the second in July. The journal’s editors respect this frequency.
- Pyrenae takes particular care not to publish articles that have already appeared in other journals or translations of articles. The journal’s editors request authors not to submit texts of this nature for consideration. In very exceptional cases, the editorial team may consider the publication of a previously published text.
- The opinions and data in all the articles published are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. In no case is Pyrenae or the Secció de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona, or the University itself, responsible for the reliability or the authenticity of works published.
- The open access articles published in Pyrenae can be consulted and downloaded via this website (cf. Archive) or by means of the Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert repository.
Evaluation Procedure / Double-blind external peer-reviewing
Double-blind external peer-reviewing. Pyrenae considers that the evaluation of texts is one of the fundamental criteria for its excellence and thus adopts a strict policy of double-blind Pyrenae external peer-reviewing, following the ethical and scientific recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors.
As part of the review process, the journal’s editors, once the quality of the article has been considered, and after taking into account its subject matter, send it to at least two anonymous reviewers. Final responsibility for the decision as regards the publication of any manuscript submitted to Pyrenae lies in the hands of the journal’s editors, as they are familiar with its readers, its public, dissemination and impact, as well as the journal’s recognition. The Editorial Team is responsible for the evaluation of the bibliographic reviews external to the journal. In specific and necessary situations, the scientific expertise of one of the members of the Editorial Board will be appealed to. In no case the evaluation will be carried out by researchers belonging to the same reference institution as the author. If there is a potential conflict in the outcome of the evaluation (one positive, one negative), the Editors will refer the manuscript to a third reviewer. Once the manuscript has been evaluated, the review document will be sent to the author so that the necessary corrections can be made. On receipt of the final manuscript, the Editorial Team will begin the process of revision, layout and editing. The time frame from the arrival of the manuscript at Pyrenae until the end of the evaluation process can be approximately two months. The final publication of the manuscript is foreseen for the next volume of the journal, always taking into account the date of receipt and the date of acceptance (dates that also appear in the final publication and in the online pdf).
Final responsibility for the decision as regards the publication of any manuscript submitted to Pyrenae lies in the hands of the journal’s editors, as they are familiar with its readers, its public, dissemination and impact, as well as the journal’s recognition.
The Editorial Team is responsible for the evaluation of the bibliographic reviews.
All parties involved in the manuscript acceptance, production and editing process must comply with the Code of Ethics.
Submission and Publication fees
There is no submission fee for publishing in Pyrenae and there are no Author Processing Charges (APCs) required.
Editorial Ethics / Adherence to Community Standards
Pyrenae guarantees all the ethical codes and conflict of interest in the publishing process, from the editors to the reviewers and authors, applying the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which the University of Barcelona assumes in the Declaration of Ethics and Good Practice for Scientific Journals. The European Association of Science Editors has a large number of resources for writing, evaluating and editing scientific manuscripts that Pyrenae provides throughout the whole process.
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