

  •  Papers must be written in one of the following languages: Catalan, Spanish or English (French and/or Italian might also be accepted when considered necessary by the Editors).
  • The maximum length of the article (including figures and tables) will be 12000 words.

  • Major articles ‘commissioned’ by the journal can have a maximum of 16000 words.

  • Authors should bear in mind that each table or figure will be counted as 600 words per page.

  • Manuscripts should be written in electronic format, preferably for PC and in MA Word. Tables, figures and captions for tables and figures should be sent as separate files.

  • The title must be representative of the contents of the article.

  • Authors must provide the name, surname(s), institutional affiliation or place of work, postal address, email, ORCiD and the corresponding author.

  • The text must be preceded by a short abstract of no more than 100 words, in both the language in which the article is written, as well as in English, also of the same length.The abstracts should summarise briefly the aims, methodology, the results and conclusions of the work. Each abstract should be followed by a maximum of 6 key words, in the same language. Keywords should be different from the words used in the title of the paper.

  • The text of the article should include the objectives, justification for the work, the methodology used, the results obtained and a discussion or conclusions.

  • Footnotes should be avoided and may be used in exceptional cases, to refer to data or Historical Archives,never for full bibliographical.

  • Acknowledgments will follow the main text placed before the Bibliographical References and contain the names and affiliations of the people thanked, as well as an explanation of the kind of collaboration given and the sources of research funding.

  • Figures and tables should be numbered in sequence in Arabic numerals in the order and manner in which they are cited in the text.

  • Other complementary material essential to the work will be placed in appendices at the end of the text after the bibliography.

  • SI Units (Système International d’Unités) should be used. If other units have been used in the manuscript, SI equivalents should appear in parentheses at strategic points.

  • Once the original text has been submitted, they will be examined by at least two external blind peer reviewers who will provide a report on the suitability for publication and any possible changes required.

  • Once the articles have been finally accepted, proofs will be sent in pdf format to the author who is in correspondence with Pyrenae, unless otherwise indicated. The texts must be sent back as soon as possible with corrections added where required.

  • The author or authors of each article will receive a hard copy of Pyrenae and may request a pdf of their article, once the volume is published. The open access article will be immediately postedin the website of the Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert (open access) and on the website of Pyrenae in pdf and digital form.


Bibliographical References

References cited in the text should contain the name of the author and/or authors (when there are two). In the case of three or more authors the expression et al., will be used. The year of publication will follow the author, and when necessary, specific references to page, table or figure (separated by colon). When there are several publications by the same author, the dates will be separated by commas. When there are several publications by the same author and from the same year, a letter will be added to the date. When there are different publications by different authors, each reference will be separated by a semicolon. When the name of the author is cited in the text, the dates and pages of references will go in parenthesis. Please follow these examples:

  • (Brown, 2001)
  • (Speth and Tchernov, 1998)
  • (Albert et al., 2003)
  • (Düffort et al. 2012).
  • (Christie, 2012: 28) or (Christie, 2012: 28-33) or (Christie, 2012: 28, fig. 1.8).
  • (Trigger, 1995a, 1997)
  • (Trigger, 1995a: 326, 1995b: fig. 2)
  • (Brown, 2012; Albert et al., 2003; Speth and Tchernov, 1998)
  • ‘… documented by Jullien and Rieu (1999), in …’

All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the text of the manuscript in alphabetical order by authors. Please follow these examples:

  • Brown, P., 2012, Through the Eye of a Needle. Wealth, The Fall of Rome, and the Making of a Christianity in the West 350-550 AD, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Speth, J.D. and Tchernov, E., 1998, The role of hunting and scavenging in Neandertal procurement strategies: New evidence from Kebara cave (Israel), in T. Akazawa, K. Aoiki and O. Bar-Yosef (eds.), Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia, Plenum Press, New York, 223-240.
  • Albert, R.M., Bar-Yosef, O., Meignen, L. and Weiner, S., 2003, Quantitative Phytolith Study of Hearths from the Natufian and Middle Palaeolithic Levels of Hayonim Cave (Galilee, Israel), Journal of Archaeological Science 30, 461-480.
  • DÜFFORT, C., BREUCKMANN, B., KALASEK, R. and QUATEMBER, U., 2012, Three-Dimensional Documentation of Hadrian’s Temple in Ephesus (Turkey). Using Different Scanning Technologies and Combining these Data into a Final 3D Model, in M. ZHOU, I. ROMANOWSKA, Z. WU, P. XU and P. VERHAGEN (eds.), Revive the Past. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Beijing, April 12-16, 2011, Pallas Publications, Amsterdam, 38-47.
  • CHRISTIE, N., 2012, Vrbes Extinctae: Archaeologies of and Approaches to Abandoned Classical Cities, in N. CHRISTIE and A. AUGENTI (eds.), Vrbes Extinctae. Approaches to archaeologies of abandoned classical towns, Ashgate Publishing Company, Burlington, 1-44.
  • Trigger, B.G., 1995a, Expanding middle-range theory, Antiquity 69, 449-458.
  • Trigger, B.G., 1995b, Romanticism, nationalism and archaeology, in P. Kohl and C. Fawcett (eds.), Nationalism, Politics and the Practice of Archaeology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 263-279.
  • Trigger, B.G., 1997, Sociocultural Evolution, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
  • Jullien, M. i Rieu, J.-L., 1999, Occupations du Paléolithique Supérieur dans le Sud-est du Bassin parisien, Documents d’Archéologie Française 78, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris.

Classical citations will follow whenever possible, as established in the following dictionaries: Glare, P.G.W. (ed.), 1982, Oxford Latin Dictionary, Clarendon Press, Oxford and Liddell, H.G. and Scott, R. (eds.), 1996, A Greek-English Lexicon, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

For the citation of an electronic journal the format should be as follows:

  • MARTINEZ GARCÍA, J.J., 2008, El proyecto SIPMUR: los sistemas de información geográfica aplicados a la gestión administrativa del patrimonio de la región de Murcia, Revista Arqueomurcia 3 [online]. Consulted: 8 de march 2011. Available at < revista/n3/pdfs/sipmur.pdf>.

For the citation of information or text from a website, please follow the following example:


How to prepare images

  • Tables and figures (including all types of illustrations) must be sent in black and white or colour (paper journal: blanc and white; digital journal and pdf: colour), and must fit the journal format, within the set margins. Tables and figures will count as 600 words per page.
  • Each tables and figure must be submitted as separate files. They must be cited in the text at the appropriate place in parentheses using the word “table” or “fig.” followed by the number (in Arabic) in the order they are mentioned in the text, for example (table 4) or (fig. 2). Tables and figures should be numberedas separate sequences.
  • Figures and tables must be indented and should not be enclosed in a borders or boxes.
  • All figures with plans or maps must include an indication of the North and a scale.
  • Figures which illustrate finds must include a scale.
  • All figures and tables must indicate the author or authors where this material is not that of the present author(s).
  • Only high-quality original artwork or electronic files in tiff or jpg format (300 dpi) should be submitted. Any other images should be converted into these formats


Details of Authors and Affiliation
Authors must be accurately identified:
Institutional affiliations
Mailing address (including country)
ORCiD (ResearcherID)
Corresponding Author. It is necessary to indicate who is responsible for correspondence with the Pyrenae Editorial Team.


Sources of research funding
Authors should indicate the sources of research funding. Include this information at the end of the manuscript and before the Bibliographical references, in a section entitled 'Acknowledgements'.


Resources for Authors
Authors can find useful tools provided by the University of Barcelona for writing their scientific manuscripts at the Interuniversity Style Guide. For the use of inclusive language and the applications of best practices, see indications and resources in the Pyrenae Code of Ethics.

Check that you have followed the guidelines for the submission of the article


— names and other information about the author(s)
— abstract(s) and key words
— text with bibliographical references following the guidelines
— foreign accents, where appropriate
— Bibliography following the guidelines
— list of figures and tables
— illustrations at a high resolution


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